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daily care for oily skin
Photo Credit : KinkyCurlyCoilyMe!
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This skin type usually has open pores and an oily surface with a tendency towards pimples, blackheads and sallow appearance. This is due to the over-production of the oily substance called sebum by the oil glands in the lower layers of the skin. Unfortunately, this skin-type is the one most prone to acne. The good news is that this oiliness will make your skin stay younger-looking for longer –so there are some benefits! BEBE AFRIKANA presents to you special daily care for oily skin.


It’s very important not to treat oily skin too rigorously, although you may well feel that you want to take drastic action when you are faced with a fresh outbreak of pimples. Remember that over-enthusiastic cleaning treatments can actually encourage the oil glands to produce even more sebum, and they will also leave the surface layers of your skin dry and dehydrated.

The best approach when it comes to daily care for oily skin is to use a range of products that gently cleanse away oils from the surface and unblock pores without drying out and damaging the skin. The visible part of your skin actually requires water, not oil, in order to stay soft, healthy and supple.


daily care for oily skin
Photo Credit : Daily Advent

Step 1: Even though your skin is prone to oiliness, the skin around your eyes is delicate, so don’t drag it when removing eye makeup. Soak a cotton wool pad with a non-oily remover and hold your eyes for a few seconds to dissolve the make-up, then lightly wipe away from the eyelids and lashes.

Step 2: Lather up with a gentle foaming facial wash. This is a better choice than ordinary soap, as it won’t strip away moisture from your skin, but will remove grime, dirt and oil. Massage gently over damp skin with your fingertips, and then rinse away the soapy suds with lots of warm water.

Step 3: Soak a cotton wool with astringent lotion, and sweep it over your skin to refresh it. This shouldn’t irritate your skin, but if it does, change to a gentler one. Continue until the cotton wool comes up clean.

Step 4: Even oily skins need moisturizer because it helps seal water into the top layers to keep the skin soft and supple. Don’t load the skin down with a heavy formulation; instead choose a light, watery fluid.

Step 5: Allow the moisturizer to sink in for a few minutes, then press a clean tissue over your face to absorb the excess, and to prevent a shiny complexion.