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foot pampering
Photo Credit : Trip Savy
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Setting aside time for a regular treatment will help you to care for your feet and keep them healthy all year round. A foot pampering session once a month will greatly improve their appearance, and will also soften the skin and help boost the circulation. You can also do it to pep up your feet at the start of the summer or before going on holiday.
You will need at least an hour to do the treatment properly-or you can really indulge yourself and take 2 hours for the sessions. Use this time to relax- you will find that focusing on your feet is a great way to forget about day-to-day worries. In this article, BEBE AFRIKANA presents to you 5-foot pampering routine.

This routine uses the luxury foot scrub. You also need foaming bath or foot gel, a large foot bowl, one large towel and two smaller ones, two plastic bags that are large enough to slip your feet into, a pumice stone and pedicure tools.

Step 1:
Fill a large bowl with warm water. Place the bowl on a large towel on the floor. Add a little foaming gel, and perhaps a couple of drops of essential oil which have been diluted first in a carrier oil. Swish the water around with your hand to create plenty of bubbles and to release the aroma of the essential oil. Put both feet into the water, then sit back and relax as you soak them for a good five minutes. Remove your feet from the bowl and rub on the floor towel to remove most of the water.

Step 2:
Put a towel on your right knee and rest the left foot on top. Massage the scrub all over the sole, paying extra attention to any rough skin, and rub into cuticles. Place your foot in a plastic bag and secure.

Step 3:
Repeat on the right foot. Wait ten minutes, then remove the bag from the left foot, sliding it firmly down the foot to remove the foot scrub. Do the same for the right foot. Dip both feet into the water. This will have cooled down, so it will stimulate the circulation.

Step 4:
Remove your feet from the bowl. Place your left foot on the right knee. Take the pumice stone and rub over the sole. Use firm pressure on the heel and ball, and light pressure on the arch. Now rub the pumice all over the top of the foot, using light pressure. This helps to improve the skin texture and bring nutrient-rich blood to the surface, which will help improve the appearance. Repeat on the left foot.

Step 5:
Trim the nails straight across, then smooth the edges with an emery board. Use a cotton bud(swab) to apply cuticle remover, wait a few minutes, then gently push the cuticle back with a  hoof stick. Soak the feet again, then carefully clean under the nail. Dry the feet, then apply the base coat, polish and top coat, using cotton wool(cotton) to separate the toes and allowing each layer to dry before applying the next.